Jornada Springs, New Mexico - a Tale of the Old West: Part 3

Jornada Springs, New Mexico - a Tale of the Old West: Part 3

Rustlers! And (content warning) a baby in peril.
Investigating the ruins of the Dean ranch, the outfit can't find any trace of a child they know should be there, but can find the tracks of a herd of the cattle being lead east away from the ranch. Freeman and Harlesden follow those tracks, while Hoarecock hears a cry in the scrub...

Content warning: this episode features a very young child, injured and in mortal peril

We are sharing one of our playlists for Tales of the Old West, the game we are creating. As is the nature of the beast, the rules are ever changing and the current iteration (available exclusively to Stationary and Privileged Patrons) has a number of differences from what you hear in this episode. 
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