Jornada Springs, New Mexico - a Tale of the Old West: Part 23

Jornada Springs, New Mexico - a Tale of the Old West: Part 23

Dave (GM):

I'm Dave. I am the GM and co designer of Tales of the Old West.

Marion Freeman:

I am the other co designer of Tales of the Old West, and my name is Matthew. I'm also playing in this actual play, Marion Freeman.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

My name is Andrew. I play Nathaniel Hawcock.

Jimmry Harlesdon:

I'm Tony. I'm playing Jimmy Harston.

Dave (GM):

Yeah. Here we are. Tales of the Old West, New Mexico, Leonardo Springs, episode 6. Yeah. What can we remember from last time?

Dave (GM):

Bogger rule.

Marion Freeman:

So last time was when his old regiment came over. The Yep.

Jimmry Harlesdon:

Oh, yeah. We've got to go and find another old member of

Marion Freeman:

Yeah. So there were there were there were 2 lots of shenanigans going on with this batch. I didn't like them very much because they're Southerners. They said they were looking for some old

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Colonel. Colonel.

Marion Freeman:

To run off with your pay. Right.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Yeah. That was a lie.

Marion Freeman:

We're convinced that was a lie. There's not some rich old man somewhere that we can go and

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Mark I mean

Dave (GM):

His name was Keith Macaulay.

Marion Freeman:

Keith Macaulay.

Dave (GM):

Or is it Macaulay Keith? Macaulay Keith.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

He was.

Dave (GM):

Colonel Macaulay Keith.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

He was the that that was the original colonel, wasn't it?

Dave (GM):

That was the colonel of your unit before you were captured.

Sheriff Hoarecock:


Dave (GM):

And at the time of, the battle for

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Fort pillow. Fort pillow. The

Dave (GM):

12th April 18 64, the Confederate attack on the fort,

Jimmry Harlesdon:

which is a victory,

Dave (GM):

but in which they then slaughtered the, the men of the 31st infantry regiment

Sheriff Hoarecock:

who were Not 39th. Sorry.

Dave (GM):

Who were uniformly black soldiers.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Yes. And

Marion Freeman:

killed. So it was what they were really about were being on the run from

Sheriff Hoarecock:


Marion Freeman:

A, shall we say, bound set of bounty hunters Oh, I see. Upon themselves Yeah. To avenge the Yeah. 31st. And they tried.

Marion Freeman:

I found a more sympathetic crew than your friends. I

Sheriff Hoarecock:

just fair enough. Well, I didn't I wasn't exactly very warm to them either because I wanted nothing to do with them.

Marion Freeman:

Yeah. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

Because you were trying to hide the fact that you're even a captain in the Confederate army.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Yeah. Yeah. I would definitely do them fast. No.

Marion Freeman:

And I seem to remember, we spent about 4 hours telling them to get out of chat.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

And they didn't.

Marion Freeman:

And they didn't. And then

Sheriff Hoarecock:

The the well, the the anti mob did turn up in the end.

Marion Freeman:

And then they they

Dave (GM):

were basically former soldiers of the 31st Yeah. But, basically who had survived.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Yes. But they but yeah.

Dave (GM):

But who were hunting down?

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Yeah. They were basically there. Yeah. And in the end, I suppose to make amends in some ways that I did end. I think I shot the last surviving,

Dave (GM):

Yes. So you had a had a confrontation with

Marion Freeman:

to make amends, you shot the last of them.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Not the last or the 30, 30.

Dave (GM):

You had a confrontation with your old colleagues.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

I did. Yes.

Dave (GM):

Which ended up ended violently. You did. I don't remember whether they were killed or not. I think I think I I

Sheriff Hoarecock:

I'd be a couple well, I think because I think these soldiers in the 1st turn up when we because you because I met hold on. I confronted my old comrades first because you 2 are out of town, weren't you? Mhmm. I stayed at the inn there was the old inn the the house of real of the old repute, shall we say?

Dave (GM):

Yes. What's it called? I don't remember the name of the place. It should be on the map that you have. What map?

Dave (GM):

Home the Home Sweet Home is what it's called.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Home Sweet Home. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

Home Sweet Home Hotel.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

That's right.

Dave (GM):

Run by which is basically a cheap whorehouse run by by a by a a mistress called Chastity Mariel.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Because that's where they first turned up. Wasn't it? Yeah. And I went down there and basically with back of the sport of Matt and Tony told him to f off to go away.

Dave (GM):

And told him to behave themselves because they

Jimmry Harlesdon:

weren't behaving very well.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Yeah. I told him to leave. Yeah. I've seen them, but then they decided they waited well, they basically hanged around, didn't they? Yeah.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

And I started having a lot of space having a shootout with the wind Matt and Tony turned up.

Dave (GM):

Yeah. They were trying to convince you to join them.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Yeah. Bar Refuse. On this Yeah.

Dave (GM):

Hunt for the curve. But actually, they just wanted actually got our hands

Sheriff Hoarecock:

to Yeah.

Dave (GM):

When the, when the Vigilantes turned.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

I do remember there's a bit of a shoot out and the 31st turned up in the middle of the shoot out, didn't they?

Dave (GM):

That rings about. Yeah.

Sheriff Hoarecock:


Dave (GM):

So anyway, yeah. So your comrades are not people you need to worry about anymore. The the guys in the 31st, decided because of your actions to let you live even though they were gonna kill you as well. Because, again, you were In the department. You were a member of

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Yes. Yeah. Yeah.

Marion Freeman:

You were not actually at Fort Pillow.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

I was.

Dave (GM):

And then they they left Yeah. Unreasonably good terms with you. You're not buddies, but they're not gonna kill you. Yeah. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

I'm not gonna try to kill you.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Well, they know you work

Marion Freeman:

for me now, so that's kind of okay. They know you work for me now, which is kind of personal justice.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

This is true. You do have the senior senior Oh,

Marion Freeman:

you're a larger shareholder.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Yeah. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

So I think your actions saved your life. Mhmm. Because otherwise, if they were in any doubt, they would be the problem.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

But then mister rep was it was it Rayburn? Yep. Did try to tell me off because I think he's getting annoyed the fact that I'm shooting people in the middle of the street. Yeah.

Marion Freeman:

We we are ending up to have quite a lot of shootouts.

Dave (GM):

Yeah. Although, on the other hand of that, there's, you know, you have protected the town on more than one occasion as a result of of doing that.

Marion Freeman:

And we've we've done so the only person so previous to that, we had managed to put a fast run on McGinn Yeah. Who was trying to get Chisholm to

Sheriff Hoarecock:

No. That's

Marion Freeman:

all. Influence the Spanish land rights

Jimmry Harlesdon:

Yeah. So there's so

Dave (GM):

there's a big issue about the Spanish land rights in the south Southern Rio Grande Valley

Sheriff Hoarecock:


Dave (GM):

Which is exactly where you are. McGinn was trying to, make a deal with John Chisholm. John Chisholm isn't actually involved in the decision making, but he is the most powerful cattle baron in New Mexico. Mhmm. And obviously, he

Marion Freeman:

has an awful

Dave (GM):

lot of influence Yeah. In that. So it was one of Chisholm's men, a guy called Cody Picker, who was taking the package back. You were going up to I

Sheriff Hoarecock:

wasn't here.

Dave (GM):

Albuquerque. Now, you were going up to Albuquerque to

Marion Freeman:

With her.

Dave (GM):

To sell your herd Yeah. For the end of the end of the summer. And pick a whip with you Mhmm. For just friends on the trail. Safety in numbers.

Dave (GM):

A couple of guys came along. Eugene Rayburn and, a guy called Ardo Gilchrist. Turned out that they were tracking Pika because he had a a message from McGinn for Chisholm. Pardon me. They were also, had a couple of other people, Dimas Paquito, from the Paquito family, and a guy called Milagro Vicenta were also with them Mhmm.

Dave (GM):

To try and track down and and stop Picker taking his message to Chisholm. You had a very tense conversation over the campfire

Marion Freeman:

Yes, we did.

Dave (GM):

With you 2 you 2, Coby Picker and Eugene Rayburn and Arnold Gilchrist. Well, it might have been actually Dimas Paquito and

Marion Freeman:

Yes. It is.

Dave (GM):

Because Gilchrist and Rayburn went ahead to try and Picker off. Yeah. So, tense conversation. Guns weren't drawn but it was close. Picker then decided just to leave.

Dave (GM):

By the time you then arrived at Albuquerque, you did come across the dead bodies of Eugene Rayburn and Arnold Kirkhillcrest with the dead horse that you recognize as Picker's horse. And the other 2 men who went on their own way haven't been seen since.

Marion Freeman:

Yeah. You

Dave (GM):

made a deal with Chisholm. Chisholm sent you a letter.

Marion Freeman:

I also ran into a gang at some point at that time.

Dave (GM):

A Kyla gang.

Marion Freeman:

A Kyla gang. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

Yeah. Who've been causing trouble, and you managed to basically face them down and tell them to get them to go away, which is unlikely seeing you're outnumbered 4 to 1. But, yeah, they chose not to force the issue at that point. And then yeah. So you you did your business.

Dave (GM):

You agreed to act as agents of interest for Chisholm in Yonada Springs. Chisholm is paying you some money. There is You should have a copy of the letter that you got from him somewhere in your papers. If but it might be that one in front of Andy, maybe. That yellow Oh,

Sheriff Hoarecock:

it's the one they sent me. It's the one the comrade said.

Dave (GM):

Is that okay? Yeah.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Yeah. Yeah. Well, I'm just looking at what you see. You know, the, all the write up. So there I see.

Dave (GM):

You then returned to the United Springs, bringing the dead bodies with you of Rayburn and Gilchrist,

Jimmry Harlesdon:

and returning them to their families.

Marion Freeman:

But by doing that interaction with Chisholm and making sure that McGinn didn't stitch up the Spanish landerites. We have done Rayburn at face. Right?

Dave (GM):

Not so much Rayburn because Rayburn isn't a Casper Maji. He's a silver, a miner. But he hates the McGinns

Sheriff Hoarecock:


Dave (GM):

And considers himself to be the top man in town. So in a in a way, perhaps. But definitely, Paquito.

Jimmry Harlesdon:


Dave (GM):

The Paquito family, Augustine Paquito, who's the matriarch of that family Mhmm. Definitely done them a favor in that in that sense.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Didn't we get a loan from her or something?

Marion Freeman:

Yeah. On our horses, which I think we paid back now that we've done the deal.

Dave (GM):

Yeah. I don't think you've got any outstanding debts with her.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Right. Okay. But,

Dave (GM):

yes. So the autumn draws towards winter, but the mood in the town is still pretty sour. So the Rayburn family is still mourning for their dead son, Eugene

Sheriff Hoarecock:


Dave (GM):

And their ranch aunt, Ardo Gilchrist, who are both killed on the trail near Albuquerque. Their deaths are officially unexplained, but were put down to the actions of the notorious Kyla gang. Mhmm. You, obviously, might suspect differently, but, haven't haven't said anything. The Paquito family, similarly in mourning, but because their son Dimas and the family friend, friend Milagro Vicente are still both missing.

Jimmry Harlesdon:

They're still missing. They haven't turned up yet. I haven't been found. Nope.

Dave (GM):

The Siegbert family in town, who is a is a German family headed by a guy called Anke Siegbert. He lives there with his 2 daughters and his son. They're also might trying to make, expand their mining interests. They are still mourning the loss of their extended family. If you recall you found on the trail a a wagon that had been attacked, and there are a number of dead adults in it Mhmm.

Dave (GM):

Who were heading towards Junauda Springs. He found letters with the name Sigbert on it. They were extended family of Anke Sigbert. Everybody everybody there was dead except for there were 2 of Anke Sievert's Two nephews. Who disappeared and never seen.

Marion Freeman:

And how old are they?

Dave (GM):

9 or 10.

Sheriff Hoarecock:


Dave (GM):

No one's seen Heine Heine or them, ever since. Sigba himself is angry with Rayburn because they're both competing for mining rights. Yeah. And he's made unsubstantiated claims that he thinks Rayburn was behind the attack on his family. He's not saying it openly, but they're just hints.

Sheriff Hoarecock:


Dave (GM):

And he's he's very, very angry. Also in town, Brodie Goodish, who is the proprietor of the Sundown Saloon and the husband of the young Gonya McGinn.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Is she taking a shine to your mother? Or are you taking a shine to her?

Marion Freeman:

I I somewhat teasingly am very gentlemanly to both both her and to mother.

Dave (GM):

I think there's a

Sheriff Hoarecock:

bit of

Dave (GM):

just to why. Yeah. There's a bit of flirting going

Sheriff Hoarecock:

on. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

So she's 24. Brodie Goodish, she's 45. Former lawman. He's a he's not a complete cripple, but who's been wounded many years ago, which is why he stopped being a lawman. He seems he's said to be ailing.

Dave (GM):

Uh-huh. Hasn't been seen for a while. Talk being that, you know, he might die of his illness. And, obviously, when that happens, the the sundown will become a

Marion Freeman:

McGinn of him. Enterprise.

Dave (GM):

Ronyea is obviously a McGinn. But in all of this, the fact Donald McGinn himself, the head of the family, and the rest of his family have been been very quiet. Not been saying very much at all. But, yeah, also, nobody's heard very much about the Spanish land rights for for some weeks, although they are they do need to be settled in the next month or 2.

Marion Freeman:

Right. So is there an adventure then? Fine.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Is there

Dave (GM):

anything you wish to do at the, advancing?

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Yeah. Okay. I think you're gonna

Jimmry Harlesdon:

make a claim for some land for

Sheriff Hoarecock:

the for the,

Jimmry Harlesdon:

the land grant.

Marion Freeman:

Well, now, let me remind myself, despite you dropping some hints about the Spanish land rights, we didn't make a claim.

Dave (GM):

You haven't made an official claim yet? Yeah. Chisholm did drop hints that, you know, if you wanted to make a claim

Jimmry Harlesdon:

to his letter, he basically said that the fact that we're being retained as Chisholm's representatives in John of Springs, that shouldn't, in any way, prevent us from making a claim if we if

Marion Freeman:

So we should, shouldn't we?

Dave (GM):

Yeah. I think.

Jimmry Harlesdon:

We should. Yes.

Marion Freeman:

Should we do it in league with the Paquinto family?

Dave (GM):

Let me just You do receive a letter.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

To to to Matt?

Marion Freeman:

Shouldn't we start talking about this? A letter for sure.

Dave (GM):

It's it's addressed to mister Halston and mister Freeman.

Jimmry Harlesdon:

I swear.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

You have a good

Marion Freeman:

So mister Halston says, as you will recall, I represent mister Chisholm of Roswell, and I hope this communication finds you hale and hearty. This is from a AJ Stroud. Stroud. Stroud,

Jimmry Harlesdon:

attorney at law. So he's Chisholm's lawyer at least.

Marion Freeman:

Yeah. Mister Chisholm wishes me to inform you that the actions in the issue of Spanish land rights in the Southern Rio Grande Valley are starting to move apace, and you should shortly expect a territorial surveyor, mister Samuel Crosby, to arrive in Johnada Springs. Well, naturally, mister Crosby is a territorial official and works for the new Mexico attorney, mister Thomas B. Catron. He is immediately acquainted with mister Chisholm's interest.

Marion Freeman:

Intimately. Intimately. He is intimately acquainted with mister Chisholm's interests and is considered a friend of mister Chisholm. You will extend mister Cosby every courtesy and help him in whatever ways he may require. For your information, the land grants will now include the plains to the west of the Rio Grande as well as those to the east, and of course this includes the one foldable crossing of the Southern Rio Grande at Coyote's Gap, wishing you every fortune in your endeavors.

Marion Freeman:

Do we think that this letter means we are the first people in town to hear of this extension?

Dave (GM):

You haven't heard anything any talk in town about it. No. Not there's not the point that you received the letter.

Marion Freeman:

So point out for us here on this handy dandy map of Granada Springs wider environment exactly where that crossing is.

Dave (GM):

It's effectively directly

Sheriff Hoarecock:

west. So it's I don't

Dave (GM):

know where I put this. Mhmm. Is it directly west of of your land springs?

Marion Freeman:

Right. And we're a bit south of and west of July of the Springs down here.

Dave (GM):


Marion Freeman:

So I was Just as that letter was coming through the door, I was saying should we

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Put a bid in.

Marion Freeman:

Should you but should we put a bid in with the McKinsey?

Dave (GM):

So I think you can take a look at this, Matt. This is what you understand the current holdings to be. And, you know, these aren't official holdings. These are more

Jimmry Harlesdon:

about Yeah.

Dave (GM):

This is Basically, where people have plotted up, and they have made it the, you

Sheriff Hoarecock:

know, possession.

Dave (GM):

So so Possession

Sheriff Hoarecock:

is not the goal.

Marion Freeman:

Least, one would expect that this Spanish land grant would make this official. We should be

Dave (GM):

Yeah. Mhmm. We

Marion Freeman:

should be putting out out that bit there. The Paquinto and this is what I fear. The Paquinto family are directly opposite Coyote's Gap.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

So they'd be

Marion Freeman:

Whereas whoever holds Coyote's Gap effectively holds the gateway to all this land here, previously off the fucking map. So now, do we want to cooperate with Paquito? Do we want to cooperate with Paquito and use this information as some form of bargaining chip? The begins will obviously be over this as soon as they heard, if they haven't heard already, but we may have

Sheriff Hoarecock:

a distinctive advantage.

Marion Freeman:

How so if we want to make a land grant and we want to write it today, hypothetically, how how does one how does one make that appeal? Where does one, the one sending it to the New Mexico land office, I'm guessing?

Dave (GM):

So you

Marion Freeman:

would send

Dave (GM):

it to the office of Thomas b Caitrin, the attorney, the New Mexico attorney, who, is in Las Cruces to the south, or you would make it to the territorial surveyor when he arrives.

Jimmry Harlesdon:

Yeah. Okay. So we could do it directly to that Yeah.

Sheriff Hoarecock:


Dave (GM):

guy that we're gonna be So

Sheriff Hoarecock:

where but this We're gonna be helping anybody when

Jimmry Harlesdon:

he turns out.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Yeah. So that so what so what this sort of land. So the lands are Okay. I see. I don't know.

Marion Freeman:


Sheriff Hoarecock:

how many miles is it would that new plot be away more or or

Marion Freeman:

Yeah. What is the scale? The hex scale?

Dave (GM):

There should be a a thing on there. Is it 5 miles or 2 miles to the hex?

Marion Freeman:

Yeah. It is 5 miles or 2 miles, one of those.

Dave (GM):

Recognize it's not the best reproduction. My printer is a little bit

Marion Freeman:

Yeah. It's fine. Sticky these days.

Jimmry Harlesdon:

So how many what is the answer? There?

Marion Freeman:

So from us, that is then 10, 20, 20, 22 miles from where we we currently put the border of our land.

Dave (GM):

So what you have at the moment, in terms of all your holdings, are very, very small holdings for a cattle ranching or horse ranching. You'd you know, for a for a substantial size, you would need a lot of land.

Marion Freeman:

Mhmm. It is 15 miles from the very edge of the Paquito land. Mhmm. And then it is 5, 10, 20, and a bit. 20, 21, 22 miles from the McGinnland.

Jimmry Harlesdon:

And if you basically took control of that land, include co Kuwaiti's Gap, I mean, could you then

Sheriff Hoarecock:

in fact stop

Jimmry Harlesdon:

other people or, yeah, charge a tariff for others to come across the river at that forward?

Marion Freeman:

Sure. We could,

Sheriff Hoarecock:

charge a tariff.

Marion Freeman:

Yeah. We we would give people what's called an easement, which is for consideration every year. They could, I'm sure, use that. We wouldn't want to stop business. This is this is a time of money.

Dave (GM):

I think if you if you were given possession of Coyote's Gap, then that would give you control of access to.

Marion Freeman:

Yeah. So

Dave (GM):

Without without going down to Las Cruces and crossing the river there,

Jimmry Harlesdon:

which is So if you're able to just take your head to the towards the west, you would have to use that all going along way out of your way Yeah. Across down there. So do we just wanna put in a claim then that includes that, see where see where that goes? Well, you did mention whether we should cover it in the cutest. How would that why would that

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Because there are many errors. Yeah.

Jimmry Harlesdon:

I guess if we if their current employer is closer to that, anyway, they might feel that there's a more natural

Sheriff Hoarecock:

They're the more natural

Marion Freeman:

extension of their

Jimmry Harlesdon:

lands to go there.

Marion Freeman:

They will probably already have written a claim that goes all the way to the river there. So we will and they will think they deserve that. Even whatever they think about the other half of the river, they know nothing about what's on the other side. Right? They know what's on the other side.

Marion Freeman:

They know nothing about the right to that land on the other side coming up. But they will be, I'm sure, thinking they are the natural, family that do it. And we've had a good relationship with them. So you could go

Jimmry Harlesdon:

and have a word. Well, we could go and have a word and say, look. Here's heads up. This is Mhmm. This is potentially we've heard being added to the grant, and we'll assuming that you'll make a claim there, we'll not make a claim or support your claim on the understanding that we would then have free access to that.

Jimmry Harlesdon:


Sheriff Hoarecock:

Good service.

Jimmry Harlesdon:

Or do we just make a claim on our own on our own rights for that?

Marion Freeman:

To make a claim on our own rights, we will piss them off.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Yes. We would do. And are we being enough at the moment to

Jimmry Harlesdon:

So do we too, but we to have

Marion Freeman:

them as enemies as well as the Yeah. Comes back to that conversation we're having in the beginning which is yes. We we support their claim. We take band. Oh, how about a deal where we say to them, what if we were to claim the land on the other side of here?

Jimmry Harlesdon:

So what do

Dave (GM):

you mean

Jimmry Harlesdon:

by the other side of here?

Marion Freeman:

Sorry? On the other side of Coache Gap.

Jimmry Harlesdon:

Oh, to the west of Coache Gap? Yeah. Yeah. Although, is that does that actually imply that the the land to the west of Cascades Gate would also be included in the the land grants?

Marion Freeman:

Well, I mean, at the moment, I'm pretty sure they've drawn a map with

Dave (GM):

a square that goes out to the river. That's what the letter says.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

That's what the letter says.

Marion Freeman:

The land grant now says that the the west is open, but nobody else knows that.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Yeah. I think we've said that we want to check, so they're making a claim to the gap to to the gap as long as they allow they give us.

Dave (GM):

Well, hold on.

Jimmry Harlesdon:

So do we make a claim basically in case this area to the south and then but also some of the land over this side? We talked to Kiteers and say, well, we'll support your claim to land here to Kiteers Gap. But, again, I'm not standing there Yeah. As your chums. Mhmm.

Jimmry Harlesdon:

As your

Dave (GM):

friends will

Marion Freeman:

will have

Jimmry Harlesdon:

access to that crossing.

Marion Freeman:

And give them the heads up that that claim will be extended beyond the river. I'm sure they've drawn up a map for their claim or had it drawn up, but it goes up to the river and stops there because that's all they thought they could claim.

Jimmry Harlesdon:

Okay. Yep.

Marion Freeman:

I'll see. Shall we, go and visit?

Dave (GM):

Yeah. Yeah.

Marion Freeman:

Or maybe extend an invitation to missus Kito that she might come and visit us. Just to kind of be on the home territory as it were. Slightly discomfort her.

Jimmry Harlesdon:

Yes. Although, if we're proposing it out, do we want to discomfort her, or do we not actually want to make her feel comfortable about

Dave (GM):

when frozen?

Sheriff Hoarecock:

I was not.

Dave (GM):

I see.

Marion Freeman:

Let's say on our home territory, she might say, oh, that's very thank you very much for that news. It'll still cost you a $100 a year to use Creators Gap. Whereas over here, if she's surprised by the extra information we have Okay. Do you like a card game?

Dave (GM):

Because you

Marion Freeman:

know so well. No.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

No. It's what you're saying because you

Jimmry Harlesdon:

see a

Sheriff Hoarecock:

set more like us going there kind of almost a little bit begging, like, okay. We'll support you if you allow us to use that gap.

Marion Freeman:

And also just sort of as mister Chisholm's agents here kind of

Sheriff Hoarecock:

A bit more. I can see that, yes, more like

Marion Freeman:

so on the go running to other people. Yeah.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Yes. It's more equals then. You'd find her his. Yeah.

Jimmry Harlesdon:

Yep. That's fine.

Marion Freeman:

Someone that they farm hands with a message to missus Paquito saying, you know, very polite message, meaning you had to, to tea. She returning her hospitality Yeah. Yeah. Because there have been many times that, we have had tea at her house, I'm sure. I think that might be

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Well, nice. It is on

Marion Freeman:

our own right. Descending into the sort of shenanigans they get up to in the town of steaming rock, I've heard.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Not brother. You're sending them die hard. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

You'll never find them all What is it? A festive stone villainy pretending to be nice people.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

So when they get to use a cup of Hamlok, is it?

Dave (GM):

Only Hamlock and the whiskey.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Only Hamlock was the other.

Dave (GM):

We did have one of the scenarios where Pete had decided he wanted to kill one of his, Capadres. Capadres because and there's issues I won't bore you with. So we gave him some Hemlock Whiskey because he knows that, you know, that I'm a big evil. And then, like, Tony Slater's like, shit, I don't wanna kill him now. I need to survive.

Dave (GM):

Yeah. But, yeah.

Marion Freeman:

So this is our plan. We send we send

Sheriff Hoarecock:

a farmhand up

Marion Freeman:

to invite them Yeah. Yep. Tea. When they arrive, we don't tell them about the surveyor coming, I suggest.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Does it give a date of the

Marion Freeman:

do say that we have some advanced information that the rest is gonna be opened. And, obviously, we're assuming their natural land is gonna be there. We're gonna be claiming a great chunk

Sheriff Hoarecock:


Marion Freeman:

Down towards Deming, and we would support their claim, not just to carry this gap. And given that, again, we'll make ourselves the interlocutors with Chisholm here, given that we have a good relationship with mister Chisholm now, I feel support, you know Mhmm. The the 2 our our 2 enterprises would make a very strong claim if they agree.

Dave (GM):

Okay. He's sending off one of your farmhands to go and deliver the the invite. Okay.

Marion Freeman:

His head is delivered.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

It's a

Dave (GM):

few miles into town. He's gone for for most of the day. Comes back maybe with a little smell of whiskey on his breath.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

That's fantastic.

Dave (GM):

Yeah. He said, yeah, he he gave him the invite, and, they they didn't give an immediate response, but

Sheriff Hoarecock:

it was it was

Dave (GM):

not yeah. It seemed seemed welcomed. He did say that while he was in town, he was yeah. The reason I'm so late, was, I was while I was in town, mister Rayburn took me to one side and, he, he he want he wanted me to pass the message to to to you.

Marion Freeman:

He probably gets to tea.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

He probably gets to tea.

Dave (GM):

Mister Holcock saying, Yes. He'd be, he'd be very grateful if the next time you're in town, you would, Didn't choose anybody. Pay him a visit. Yeah.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Yeah. If

Marion Freeman:

you if you could pay

Dave (GM):

him a visit at your convenience, he'd be very grateful.

Marion Freeman:

It has to be said, I'm thinking timing wise, you made vocal your opinion that the challenge should have a law man. I I I'm guessing that we've not really bothered with the lawman because of the old cripple that,

Sheriff Hoarecock:


Dave (GM):

the sundown. The sundown.

Marion Freeman:

The sundown. Maybe maybe the fact that he seems to be getting a bit old and he's fading away. Mhmm.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

But he was not really old.

Marion Freeman:

Rumors of the whole. Maybe he's thinking that maybe we should make something official. Maybe you should go and see him.

Dave (GM):

The town hasn't had a lawman. He hasn't had a sheriff.

Marion Freeman:

No. But big enough

Dave (GM):

his shoes wasn't really a sheriff.

Marion Freeman:

No. No.

Dave (GM):

But, I

Jimmry Harlesdon:

mean, I

Marion Freeman:

guess, he's kind of, like, he's just there with a little bit of authority.

Dave (GM):

So he was a tough man. Yeah. He's a tough man. He's not dead yet. So

Marion Freeman:

Somebody that people could go and talk to, and he'd probably, you know and this small town doesn't need a sheriff, but, you know, if there's a gunfight in the high street

Dave (GM):

Are you looking at me for? Are you saying my scenario is getting boring? I'm getting boring. I quite enjoyed that fight, so sorry.

Marion Freeman:

Yeah. So the last that's a problem. Game. Yeah.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

That's the problem. So so is, Hawk, I think that's the problem, but never mind. No, dear. Hear. You so you show he's not saying we

Marion Freeman:

I don't know. But, I mean, he might be telling

Dave (GM):

you Stop.

Marion Freeman:

Stop. Clear of the sheriff's position. He might be telling you all sorts of other things, but I'm just If

Dave (GM):

you're asking your your farmhand, he says, mister Rayburn was very, very respectful and

Sheriff Hoarecock:

I was expecting in

Dave (GM):

a very good mood. Well, not anymore. As good a mood as he gets at the moment since he's

Sheriff Hoarecock:

probably in trouble. Yeah. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

For his son. Actually, that's nothing.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

If you 2 actually better get it. Tell me who that you suspect who shot his son, or am I lucky we are seeing he is this gang?

Jimmry Harlesdon:

No. I think we'd have told you about what happened.

Marion Freeman:

Is so given that we've got the Kyla gang here, I will have told you that I met the Kyla gang. Yes.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

And Who

Dave (GM):

do you assume was the Kyla gang?

Marion Freeman:

Face and down. I if you're

Sheriff Hoarecock:

No. I'm just saying, you know, the Redburn Son, when you had that trouble with with mister Chisholm's agent Yeah. And you stopped and when you were I there you go.

Marion Freeman:

Think I'd necessarily put you in a position where you had to lie to mister Rayburn, given that the town thinks it's the Keylas.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Yeah. Yeah.

Marion Freeman:

I could kind of back that up with my encounter with the Keylas. I'm sorry.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Yes. Yeah. Yeah.

Marion Freeman:

I'm I'm not your wife. I'm not gonna tell you everything. No. My wife is probably not telling you everything. But,

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Yeah. Not bad. So

Marion Freeman:

Yeah. I know. I know.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

I know. You mean, yes. No. I'm just saying we're yeah.

Marion Freeman:

Yeah. I know. I think I've given I don't think but kind of for your protection, not to keep a secret from you, but just Yeah.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

That's all I have.

Marion Freeman:

Anything you need to know. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

What so he doesn't have to make a performing role when he lies? Damn you.

Marion Freeman:

You wanna make me make a performing role? Who was in color again? Now he was the the Kyla gang.

Dave (GM):

Definitely the Kyla gang. I'm not gonna make you

Sheriff Hoarecock:

make a formal for him. No. No. That's fine. No.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

That's that's the one. Well, do you want to do the chatting to missus, and I'll go and see him at the rate or or or Yeah. Yeah?

Marion Freeman:

Yeah. I wouldn't I mean, we would be sorry to lose you if you become a lawman because you're frankly the best

Dave (GM):

Animal handler you've got.

Marion Freeman:

Animal handler you've got. You are still, of course, still have an interest in

Dave (GM):

So are you so did you set a time and date for your dinner?

Jimmry Harlesdon:

We probably suggested a time probably I mean, quite soon, I think.

Marion Freeman:

Yeah. Till

Jimmry Harlesdon:

I get this day or

Dave (GM):

2 later. Yeah.

Marion Freeman:

Yeah. The next day or 2. Yeah.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

I mean, it must be getting quite late, isn't it, when he gets back in, I imagine?

Dave (GM):

Yeah. Probably mid to late afternoon.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Yeah. So I must be probably won't go into town till tomorrow night. Okay. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

Okay. So, okay. Unless there's anything you wish to do of your evening Have

Marion Freeman:

I got my faith back now? I have, haven't I?

Dave (GM):

Yeah. So you'll restart with 4 faith

Sheriff Hoarecock:

at the beginning of the 4. Yeah. Yeah. Excellent. So we put that down.

Marion Freeman:

Well, I've got that down as

Dave (GM):

really easy to use user friendly character. But even the guy who designed it Doesn't know where

Sheriff Hoarecock:

it is.

Dave (GM):

Finds it difficult.

Marion Freeman:

It's not yet complete.

Dave (GM):

Okay. So are you heading into town the following

Sheriff Hoarecock:

week? Yes. Yes. Okay.

Dave (GM):

You do get a message. You get a rider come up and say that, missus Paquito will, will gladly accept your your invitation, but begs a 24 hour postponement. I can't make it today, but tomorrow late afternoon, if, if that's convenient for you.

Marion Freeman:

Is it?

Jimmry Harlesdon:

Probably not, but we're probably not gonna argue about it at this point, are we?

Dave (GM):

You coming

Sheriff Hoarecock:

down to have a shootout? So

Marion Freeman:

one of us just happened to be there and said we've got some news with some urgency. I mean, a whole day, thank you, boy, might appear. It's coming down.

Dave (GM):

Pardon me. So are you going in for a seat in the morning?

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Yes. Yeah. I'm going in to it, don't you?

Jimmry Harlesdon:

I think I'm not sure how much difference of an a day. That's just depends what happens.

Marion Freeman:

Is there a notary public that we should get something drawn up? I'm just What's the

Jimmry Harlesdon:

deadline for the claims?

Dave (GM):

Yeah. Well I mean, the deadline

Marion Freeman:

to deadline.

Dave (GM):

Deadline has passed, and Chisholm did say to you that the whole thing's been delayed. So, they're now gonna make the decision early next year. And it's now some autumn, sort of like September, October time. We feel

Jimmry Harlesdon:

like one day is not gonna make a difference. I think, again, we don't want to make it look like we're kind of panicking over this or desperate. So I I would say we just say, yeah. That's fine.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Yeah. Wait.

Jimmry Harlesdon:

Wait. We'll wait that extra day. Tell us so much about to say, of course, that'll be absolutely fine. And we're welcome at your convenience.

Dave (GM):

Yeah. Okay. Cool. Are either of you going into town with, Horcock, or are you working on the farm?

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Well, I

Jimmry Harlesdon:

thought we should work on the farm, but, you know, if we're down, was there a little bit of the key test coming today?

Marion Freeman:

I'll tell you what. I'm kind of I've got half of mine to ride over. Check out this land over here.

Dave (GM):

What? Check out the, or the west of the Rio Grande?

Marion Freeman:

Yeah. If you wish,

Dave (GM):

you can do that. Yep.

Marion Freeman:

How long is that gonna take me?

Dave (GM):

It's what? About 20 miles?

Marion Freeman:

22 miles, I think.

Dave (GM):

To to the crossing?

Marion Freeman:

To the crossing. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

You could get to the crossing and back in a day.

Marion Freeman:

Cool. You wouldn't be able

Dave (GM):

to do much on the other side in the No. No.

Marion Freeman:

No. No. Just just

Sheriff Hoarecock:

just take

Marion Freeman:

a look. I'm because I'm thinking this would be a spending around in the country that would only a face point.

Jimmry Harlesdon:

Yeah. Don't get killed by bandits.

Dave (GM):

Assuming you don't get killed by band. Yeah. That's fine. Yeah.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Okay. Bump into the car again and order in

Jimmry Harlesdon:

I'll I'll I'll order a chat.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Yeah. Alright. Yeah. Okay. Cool.

Dave (GM):

Right. So are you going alone? Matthew, are

Marion Freeman:

you taking a bit handy? Oh, god. I'll get bloody bit by a rattlesnake, won't I, or something, ain't it?

Sheriff Hoarecock:

By a kugo.

Marion Freeman:

I have ridden alone in this neck of the woods for years in Red Dead Redemption. I'm sure. I'm gonna need it to hang up. It's entirely

Sheriff Hoarecock:

up to you.

Dave (GM):

If you wanna run it on your own, that is entirely reasonable.

Marion Freeman:

Well, funny enough, I was thinking that that faith point thing kind of has to be in on your own thing. I wonder whether you should specify that as well, actually.

Dave (GM):

Spending time in the wilderness.

Marion Freeman:


Sheriff Hoarecock:

Enjoying Later. More than later. The wilderness.

Dave (GM):

Yeah. Okay. So, yes, you can have a point of faith.

Marion Freeman:

Cool. Thank you.

Dave (GM):

As you ride out. Yeah. Okay. You you 2 guys get into town. Mhmm.

Dave (GM):

Let's say you're a few miles out of town, so it's I don't know. Maybe an hour's slow ride. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

It's busy.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Right. Yeah. You

Dave (GM):

know, it's quite busy. Joy the other Springs is growing a little bit.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

It's Yeah.

Dave (GM):

It's getting a little bit busier. I mean, it's still not very big at all, but it's, it's it's getting it's getting bigger. You've got the map somewhere just as reference. Yeah. Has he got

Sheriff Hoarecock:

a church there somewhere?

Dave (GM):

Doesn't have a church house yet. No?

Jimmry Harlesdon:

Got a graveyard.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Got a graveyard.

Dave (GM):

It's got

Sheriff Hoarecock:

a graveyard. Alright. Okay.

Dave (GM):

Yeah. So as you ride in, so you're quite busy. You can see that it seems that a group of a group of riders have come in from the north. The zeros are riding in from the south.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

One of

Dave (GM):

them looks like a sheriff a sheriff.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Oh, good.

Dave (GM):

3 or 4 men with maybe a deputy rather than actual Right. 3 or 4 men with him. And there's a few others who seem to have been kind of part of his group.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Does it have a posse feeling to it?

Dave (GM):


Sheriff Hoarecock:

No. No. No.

Dave (GM):

No. No. It's they say, like, I think it seems that a few of the other riders are probably travelers who've decided to ride

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Lift them up.

Dave (GM):

Into town with the sheriff and his men Right. For for safety. Okay. No. It doesn't it's not Right.

Dave (GM):

Yeah. But they're they're kind of arriving. They're in the sort of center. They're sort of dismounting and going about their business.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Okay. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

Town's losing me dizzy.

Sheriff Hoarecock:


Jimmry Harlesdon:

So while you're I'll leave you to go and see And

Sheriff Hoarecock:

I'll probably

Jimmry Harlesdon:

just nip into the,

Marion Freeman:

how much we have?

Jimmry Harlesdon:

The trails. Well

Dave (GM):

On the sundown?

Jimmry Harlesdon:

I'll go west.

Dave (GM):

Sundowns to the south. It is number 2.

Jimmry Harlesdon:

Yeah. So the so I think I'll probably just pop into the trails hotel because that's just that's close

Dave (GM):

to for

Sheriff Hoarecock:

that one.

Jimmry Harlesdon:

Gardens, Charles.

Marion Freeman:

I was banned.

Dave (GM):

You were invited to leave because you were saying nasty things about McGinn.

Jimmry Harlesdon:

Yes. See? The trails. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

Yeah. To Cody Picker and his, partner, Mickael Kerman.

Jimmry Harlesdon:

Okay. Maybe I won't get it.

Dave (GM):

If you remember, in the letter that that, Donald McGinn sent to Chisholm, he talked about dealing with a disloyal member of Chisholm's Yes. Mhmm. Gang. The implication being that that was Nicole Coorman who became killed, but Coorman's never been found and disappeared. Mhmm.

Jimmry Harlesdon:

So do I think we're that we're not welcome in general in the trials, I think. No.

Dave (GM):

I think you're probably okay now. I mean, that was that was a while ago. So Okay. I'll just go

Jimmry Harlesdon:

in there.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

No. I was saying

Jimmry Harlesdon:

I'm quiet. Yeah. I can't see you.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Mister mister Rayburn, and then yeah. Okay. Yeah. I'll right up to his house.

Dave (GM):

Yeah. Okay.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Until they're the old house and,

Dave (GM):

Yeah. Okay. Yeah. The door's he's knocking on the door.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

The door. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

Yeah. He's a few seconds wait and then and then right by himself opens the door.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Oh, good day, mister. Mister. Uh-huh. I haven't shot anybody.

Dave (GM):

I see. I did that. It's good to know that you haven't shot anybody, recently. But, come have a would you would you like some tea or or an early whiskey?

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Well, I have a whiskey. We do. We're very kind of, isn't it?

Dave (GM):

So he beckons to

Sheriff Hoarecock:

me to

Dave (GM):

sit on his

Marion Freeman:

early whiskey.

Jimmry Harlesdon:

What is this concept?

Dave (GM):

No. No. So he beckons me to sit on his stoop which is, you know, the little porch which is overlooking the the the the what is it The town square. Mhmm. The smelly pond.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Mhmm. Oh, yeah. Smelly.

Dave (GM):

And, yeah, from there, this is where he often sits.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Right. And kind of George Malaria. Because

Dave (GM):

from there, he's got a really good view of what's going on

Sheriff Hoarecock:

in the center of town.

Dave (GM):

And, yeah, I think, yeah, one of his servants brings out some Mhmm. Some whiskey and

Sheriff Hoarecock:

I'd like someone to ask him how the baby's doing, you know, the one we

Dave (GM):

The baby is hale and hearty. I'm very

Sheriff Hoarecock:

pleased to say.

Dave (GM):

Obviously, you know, the Dean family have had a a terrible, terrible tragedy recently, and and, you know, their their range is now, obviously, lying idle. Mhmm. But, yeah, the baby the baby as well. And, you know, between you and me, it's given it's given my wife, Nora, not Nola, another. A fresh lease of life.

Dave (GM):

I think having having the youthful energy of a of a young baby in the house is

Sheriff Hoarecock:

is good. Well, that's good

Dave (GM):

to hear. Good for the soul.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Good for the soul. Seeing seeing our children are

Jimmry Harlesdon:

grown up and, obviously,

Sheriff Hoarecock:

with the

Dave (GM):

the horrible

Marion Freeman:


Sheriff Hoarecock:


Dave (GM):

Left in our lives with the with the murder. The real

Sheriff Hoarecock:

of the old you did with your son. Yes. Yeah. My

Dave (GM):

Even though even though, you know, my other son, Scott and Brandon and Margaret, are still hell and hearty. You do you do I'm sorry

Sheriff Hoarecock:

to hear of your loss.

Dave (GM):

That's that's very very annoying. Thank you.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

I learned enough.

Dave (GM):

Yes. Anyway

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Enough at school at all, though.

Dave (GM):

I've been talking to Augustine, Aquitaine and a few of the other people in town, and we are concerned about the increase in violence.

Marion Freeman:

Since you over.

Dave (GM):

Over here. Since since you started running a game of Tales of the Old Western Life, I just kinda giving you a bit out of the corner of his eye. Mhmm. Sort of like sizing you up. And, so it's, you know, it's a situation that that that we can't wear.

Dave (GM):

We can't allow this to continue. Mhmm. If you're in Harbor Springs, it's going to become the thriving

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Family wanted to be. Of the coming town

Dave (GM):

of this of Southern New Mexico, then and we can't have people being gunned down in the street.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

No. I can no. I'm off.

Dave (GM):

And there's been quite a lot of gully down there.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Through. Yes. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

The the cemetery is

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Getting a bit full these days.

Dave (GM):

Has started to blossom.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Yeah. I know. I mean, I lost a good friend.

Jimmry Harlesdon:

Yeah. It was a good, yeah, good for now. I definitely was.

Dave (GM):

Of course, I was there the day that that that, young William was clearly shot down.

Sheriff Hoarecock:


Dave (GM):

How is Jimmy?

Sheriff Hoarecock:

He's doing well. He's yes. He's I think he'd run the time with I think he's having a few hours off, so it's you know?

Dave (GM):

Yeah. Hard work on the road.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

It is. It is.

Dave (GM):

Yeah. So,

Sheriff Hoarecock:


Dave (GM):

know, we've we've we've heard tale of of of of things that you've been heard say, and we've seen your willingness, shall we say, to to use the iron and to stand up for

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Oh, that's good. Of course. Yeah. Or might

Dave (GM):

be right. And we feel this town needs needs a sheriff, needs a man who can bring some law and order to the streets. You won't take any shit from drunken cowhands or or or fools who come in from out of town to cause trouble. And, we can't make it official. Obviously, we're a tiny town.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

You know,

Dave (GM):

we can't have an election or anything. But we were wondering whether you would be willing to take on a part time position as it were. Yeah. And and use some of your some of your strength and some of your some of your resilience and fortitude to bring a bit of peace to the streets that Granada Springs.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Yeah. Of course, I am honored. Say that, I've

Dave (GM):

Obviously, we'd only look seek to to to make a make this kind of offer to a man who we felt was honorable and had the best interest of the town and that Well, I always the the families who make this town what it is at heart.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

I've always strove to be a good man. Maybe not. It hasn't always worked out, but, yeah, I've always tried to be do the right thing. So it was character afterwards. Redemption.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Yes. No. I've yeah. No. I've always since certain actions in my past, I've always strove to be a better man.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

And, come out. Are you thinking of anybody else or is you just

Dave (GM):

I I haven't spoken to any other

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Any other?

Dave (GM):

Any other people. I mean, the the you know, there is there is a sour mood in the town.

Jimmry Harlesdon:


Dave (GM):

Obviously, Eugene's death and that of Ardo has hit very close to home.

Sheriff Hoarecock:


Dave (GM):

The Seidlert family whose whose extended family were killed.

Sheriff Hoarecock:


Dave (GM):

Yeah. There's talk of the Kyla gang.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

That's not her.

Dave (GM):

And, obviously, you know, the Comanche, they they they're not. No. They haven't gone.

Jimmry Harlesdon:

They're still

Dave (GM):

they're still out

Sheriff Hoarecock:

there on

Dave (GM):

the plane somewhere.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Of course.

Dave (GM):

Currently riding around and around with mister Freeman. And, you know, we are we we need we need someone to pull the town together from a from a law and order point of view.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Well, just to say yeah. I know it's not. Yeah. And how long would I have to let me give you how long would you wait? What would you what would be the time span you would

Marion Freeman:

want to know?

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Need to know. That's what I'm trying to say. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

We would we would like an answer as soon as possible. I mean, if you're able to answer right now, that would be most agreeable.

Marion Freeman:

The other thing you, need to say is

Sheriff Hoarecock:

how much? You gotta reach

Dave (GM):

out to that.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Yes. He's gonna yeah. So we

Dave (GM):

will we will offer you, what's the what's the right word? A retainer.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

A retainer. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

$75, or $25 a month. $75 a season.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

What's it?

Dave (GM):

And as I said, we we wouldn't be expecting you to be a full time sheriff. We're not. We're a small town, but we need a man who we can look up to and who can help get things get things done.

Marion Freeman:

But we couldn't find one

Jimmry Harlesdon:

of those,

Marion Freeman:

so we

Sheriff Hoarecock:

My conscience area.

Dave (GM):

So that's $25 a season for

Sheriff Hoarecock:

That's a month. Is that all year? A

Dave (GM):

season is 3 months.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

3 months.

Dave (GM):

So $25.25 a month, $75 a season. That's a season. Right? To be to be available. I mean, obviously, it'd be good if you're in town

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Oh, not yet. More often than not.

Dave (GM):

Just to show your face and Mhmm. So everyone understands that you are,

Sheriff Hoarecock:

you know Keeping an eye on face. You are

Dave (GM):

the face of of law and order in this town. But, otherwise, we would we would not expect you to entirely neglect your current business. And then in in in time, once the town is bigger, we can build a proper sheriff's office and a gallows and the other other things that we would need. We would then perhaps want to offer you the job full time.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

If I was still there.

Dave (GM):

There would

Marion Freeman:

have to be an election in that office too. I'm sure.

Dave (GM):

There would have to be something, but it might not be an election. I'm not there.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

No. You're not there. I'm not there.

Dave (GM):

But if you were I'm I'm with with with the hole in my heart when my son used to resign, leaking day by day, I need this town to feel more safe and secure.

Marion Freeman:

Sounds like you need a doctor. And so Yeah.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Sounds like you need an arm surgery.

Dave (GM):

There's a there's a good doctor in Steve York.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Is it?

Marion Freeman:

Yeah. He's going this time to fall into that.

Dave (GM):

His patients never complain after us anyway. Yes. Yeah. Brigham Anaheim, doctor. No complaints ever.

Dave (GM):

We would appreciate your answer as as as swiftly as As swiftly as possible. As you're able to. Yes.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

One question. I see there was actually a deputy. Which town was he born in?

Dave (GM):

That's trails, actually. Trails? Because the trails is the one

Sheriff Hoarecock:

that's Yeah. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

Kind of you're you're on the you're on the square. To the left of you is the is the is the is the pond, and then the ridge that goes up. To the right of you is where the

Sheriff Hoarecock:

trail hotel is. That's

Dave (GM):

I have a trail hotel. Right. I well, I I didn't even know we had a sheriff driving into town, so Well, it

Sheriff Hoarecock:

was me. It was just a deputy, I think.

Dave (GM):

Okay. Well, I've nothing to do with me. You must be here on some other business.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Okay. Of course.

Dave (GM):

Yeah. If you wanna shake on it now Mhmm. He pulls out his pocket a badge and flicks it onto the table where it patters and spins and slowly settles. And this

Sheriff Hoarecock:

I must break it. I must break it with my finger

Dave (GM):

on it. Badge with sheriff

Sheriff Hoarecock:

and a

Dave (GM):

star on it. It's, if we could agree now, then we'd start denying you from from this very moment, mister Hawley.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Long as you understand now Should

Dave (GM):

I say take it over. Sheriff Hawcock.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

As long as you understand, there will be times that I will be out on the for now, on the sometimes the riot is right.

Dave (GM):

Completely understand that. That is why the

Sheriff Hoarecock:


Dave (GM):

We're paying you a lot less than a full time sheriff would would would get.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

And if I did have to deputize people, would I would that be a free hand if I needed felt I needed extra help? I mean, let's say there was I mean, last time, unfortunately, when there was the mess.

Dave (GM):

I I think as long as you made the right choice in the person's Yeah. In whom you placed your trust, then

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Attend to child murders, you'll assume.

Dave (GM):

Well, I'd I'd I'd like to also point out that the of the of the of the families who are contributing to the fund to to pay your wages, then McGinns aren't part of that group.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

So you mean that that that would ignore would seemingly piss them off?

Dave (GM):

Oh, I don't care whether they're pissed off or not. I would just say that you you know, you owe no obligation to the begins other than

Sheriff Hoarecock:

I'll take the badge. I'll go through my head. Go on it. You know? As long as you accept.

Dave (GM):

Other than yeah. You're no obligation you have no obligation to them begins other than you would to any No.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Not one yeah. No. Not one again. No. Yeah.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Not telling.

Dave (GM):

Not sure why He he reaches over and says takes the badge off you and says, well, welcome. And he pins it

Sheriff Hoarecock:

onto you. Welcome. Yeah. Okay.

Dave (GM):

Welcome, sheriff. Saps you on the shoulder.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

And I

Dave (GM):

fall into 4. Cheers. Cheers.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

And I fall for the best.

Dave (GM):

He said, don't do that one.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Okay. I think

Dave (GM):

he looks very, you you know, he looks very pleased to himself.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Very good. Morely, more lean on. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

Yeah. So tone. Yeah. You just what? Having a bit of breakfast or something or Yeah.

Dave (GM):

Have a whiskey. Okay. Yeah. You you sort of settle in the trails. I mean, it's not the biggest place, so sort of like the reception area, and that is all open to the where the bar and the dining room is.

Dave (GM):

And, yeah, as you're getting yourself whatever it is you're having to drink, quite a few people come in, and these are some of those riders that you saw outside riding up. Yeah. And they're coming up to to the reception And, you know, one of them one of them says, you can even say, good day, madam. I'm, I've, I'd like to like a room. My name is Crosby.

Dave (GM):

And then, you know, the, this deputy is there as well. He's there with a couple of his men. Kind of this is all kind of happening at the same time. And, and he says, yeah. Good day.

Dave (GM):

I'm, I'm Deputy Rufus Malcolm, from Fort Craig. Can you can you point me in the direction of the, the Rayburn and the Paquito, households, please? And the woman behind the receptionist says, oh, yeah, mister Rayburn. He he goes straight out 50 yards across across the square. You can't miss him.

Dave (GM):

The Paquito family, they have a house up on the ridge next to the next to the blessing, saloon. Is there anything else I can do for you for you, sir? And, he getting a a pretty business like, and he says, no. Thank you, ma'am. And he turns on his heel and marches straight out.

Marion Freeman:

So hold on. Let me just capture this. I'm not here.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

No. They're

Marion Freeman:

But so 2 people with badges walked in. A sheriff booked a room, and a deputy asked the directions and went away. No.

Dave (GM):

No. This first one wasn't the sheriff. This first one was just a Alright. Abnormal person wearing a suit just like a shabby suit. It's all dusty from the trail and said, you know, the last room and say his name is mister Crosby.

Dave (GM):

He's got a couple of people with him as well, and he's then kinda shown upstairs. Nice. Mister Cosby. To a couple of rooms. And then say the sheriff or the deputy, with a couple of guys having having asked where Rayburn and Paquito live is is left quite

Marion Freeman:

immediately. And

Dave (GM):

as you're coming back across, you can see this deputy and a couple of men come out of the trails. Yeah. You can see they look around a bit, and they they obviously look past you. Yeah. And then they walk purposely in your direction.

Dave (GM):

Oh. But they go past you. They go. They go.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

They go.

Dave (GM):

Because they all cut you under arrest for being a total

Marion Freeman:

shit. Shit. Given given that you're wearing a badge now, there should probably be some acknowledgment between

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Yeah. You must believe

Dave (GM):

that or not. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I think he yeah.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

He he

Marion Freeman:

ticks his hat

Dave (GM):

Mhmm. As he walks past, but otherwise, makes no move to stop or talk to you anyway. And Okay.

Marion Freeman:

As sheriff, maybe it could be, you know, within your remit to ask what his business is as an officer of the law in your

Sheriff Hoarecock:

town. Mhmm.

Marion Freeman:

I'm I'm not there. Don't give me a voice mail.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

The voice mail is

Dave (GM):

40 miles away.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Well, maybe the man I'm just, just Maybe I'm just doing fuck with them. Okay. Yeah. Still thinking. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

Shell shocked. Not sure.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

But amused. I'll say, actually amused, actually.

Dave (GM):

Amused. Amused. Amused. Amused. Amused.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Amused. I've been used to both here. Just to catch his react. Your reaction, that's all, boss.

Marion Freeman:

So you've been down.

Dave (GM):

Obviously, he's got

Marion Freeman:

Not not very nice about the badge.

Dave (GM):

Yeah. Shiny gold. Yeah. So,

Sheriff Hoarecock:

I just might It's

Dave (GM):

my shiny badge.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

It is my shiny badge, isn't it? Maybe I should put it in the lip balm and leave the jacket.

Dave (GM):

No. That's kinda not the point.

Jimmry Harlesdon:

Is it?

Dave (GM):

No. No. Yeah. She's okay.

Jimmry Harlesdon:

And then, like, well, that person can get hard

Sheriff Hoarecock:

to me. Sure. They're terrible.

Dave (GM):

In case after doing work.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Yeah. That's a good point. Yeah.

Marion Freeman:

Can I interest you in some law enforcement?

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Don't call me dread.

Jimmry Harlesdon:

I said, well, maybe I seemed like congratulations for an order then.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

We shall see. Maybe that was Or

Jimmry Harlesdon:

this town, maybe that's what the town needs. So I basically watch the stairs and So a Cosby comes down.

Sheriff Hoarecock:


Jimmry Harlesdon:

I'll say, yeah. So I'll just tell you. Yeah. The, yeah, this other deputy came in with,

Sheriff Hoarecock:

I saw him. Yes.

Jimmry Harlesdon:

Mister Crosby, I'm assuming, is this a

Marion Freeman:

This is

Dave (GM):

a the

Jimmry Harlesdon:

survey that we're expecting.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

And what did you hear? What the what the deputy wanted?

Jimmry Harlesdon:

Nope. He came in and went straight out for

Dave (GM):

So the deputy talked to book a room?

Jimmry Harlesdon:

Oh, didn't he? No. So he came in now. He just came in and went straight back out again.

Dave (GM):

You did hear him say where did he It was Rayburn Rayburn and the Q2 household.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Okay. Could I have a what kind of roll would I need to make my thing? So I think it must be about the desk, the big user. Maybe it's about the desk, the Rayburn song.

Dave (GM):

I'm not gonna make you make a roll about that, but you can spec that before.

Sheriff Hoarecock:

Yeah. Yes. Yes.

Marion Freeman:

Create. Tales of the old west is brought to you by Effect. The music is old west game by Stu Venable, used with kind permission of the angry folk media empire.

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